Левое социалистическое действие
социал-демократическая организация

21 сентября 2014

Resolution on the situation in Ukraine

Since the end of August 2014, it became apparent active participation units of the Russian army in the war in the south-east of Ukraine. Death, wounded and captured Russian soldiers known to the Russian public, although Russia is not officially at war with Ukraine. This — undeclared treacherous war, which would be a shame for Russia.
War has lead Russia to disaster: economic, political, military, social and psychological. Russian authorities violated international law and theConstitution of the Russian Federation. The war spent taxpayers’ money. All of this causes great indignation of the Russian Social-Democrats.

In this regard:
1 We are categorically opposed and oppose such a gamble on the part of our president and the government, as well as advise the Russians to apologize to the Ukrainian people for the fact that they had made it.
2 We demand that the President and the Prime Minister immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, as well as volunteers — citizens of Russia, because this war criminal. We demand to bring the perpetrators of it to criminal liability under the Criminal Code, «Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression,» which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of seven to twenty years. We demand an end to all-out media campaign of lies against Ukraine.
3 We call on Russian military not to carry out criminal orders of the Ministry of Defence and to leave the ranks of illegal armed groups, or not to sign a contract, or to apply to the human rights organizations to obtain legal assistance. If today, the Russian military will carry out criminal orders, killing the Ukrainian people, tomorrow they may also carry out a criminal order, killing the Russian people.
We believe that the response to the aggression of the Kremlin, which he performs against the fraternal people, is now one of the main objectives of all Russian citizens. «Left Socialist Action» calls on all left-wing organizations to take part in the All-Russian Peace March September 21, 2014 The march would be a significant event, and to show that people can stop the war. We stand for a broad antiwar Democratic Front!
Freedom! Justice! Solidarity!

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